Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Practical Advice for Kids Playing Car Games Online

Car games for kids are gaining popularity as more kids choose to engage in safe online gaming. Nevertheless, too much of everything can be poisonous. Therefore, it is the responsibility of either parents or guardians to make sure their kids are not spending too many hours playing. Any game they play should be fun, educational, safe and age-appropriate. Before allowing your kid to play it is advisable to educate yourself and your child about the risks. Some of the practical advice for playing online includes:

Know the risks

Kids are more prone to downloading bad online kids' games. This is particularly the case when they download from sites which are less reputable. They could also download from text or instant messages or through email links. They also face the risk of getting malicious software, spam or offensive content. Furthermore, some free games may ask for an extensive profile. As a result, some of the sensitive information they provide may be used illegally against them.

Explore and Assess

Parents should take time away from their busy schedule to assess the games together with their children. They can sit and watch as they play or play together with them. This will offer a fun way of learning about the game, as well. It is equally important to check the game's ratings before allowing your child to play. The ratings can be used to discuss the appropriateness of the games, particularly with teenagers.

Teach the rules

Most children need to be taught the rules for safe playing. They should be taught how to keep personal or sensitive information a secret. This can be done by teaching them never to share about themselves with other players. They should also be advised not to share information about their family members with others. Some of the information that should not be disclosed includes their real name, age, gender, home address or email and pictures. In addition, they should be taught how to protect their game accounts using strong passwords. Ideally, a strong password should have at least 8 characters and includes a mixture of letters and numbers, as well as characters.

Defend their computers

It is important to teach your children how to defend their computers against internet threats, using the available technology. This can be achieved by installing antivirus and/or anti-spyware software. Furthermore, they should be taught never to turn off their firewall. All software, including the web browser, should be kept current using automatic updating.

Kamis, 12 Oktober 2017

Emotional Intelligence: Why Your Teen Needs EQ More Than IQ to Succeed

You want your children to leave the nest one day, confident and self-sufficient. You won't always be able to protect them and walk them through every difficulty, nor should you. You want them to be able to financially support themselves, have good friends and relationships, to be healthy, and to handle what comes in healthy ways. How do you help them to be ready for a successful and satisfying life?

It helps to know a little about EQ, Emotional Intelligence. It is defined as "a measure of a person's adequacy in such areas as self-awareness, empathy and dealing sensitively with other people."

With all the focus on grades and achievement, EQ gets lost in the IQ shuffle. Psychologists agree that when it comes to success ingredients in life and career, IQ counts for 10-25%, while EQ is responsible for the rest (up to 90%)!

First, a little more information on EQ, and then we'll focus on the pieces that you need, now. Here are the five categories of emotional intelligence:

1. Self-awareness - the ability to recognize emotions as you feel them is the number one element of EQ. When you tune in to your true feelings, you can learn to understand them and manage them.

2. Self-regulation - Emotions happen, but it's up to you for how long and how intensely they stick around.

3. Motivation - Accomplishing any goals requires a plan and a good attitude, all key to finding the motivation to complete the work. This includes reframing negativity into more positive terms.

4. Empathy - The ability to recognize how people feel, and acknowledge those feelings, is critical for healthy relationships, be they social, business or intimate.

5. Social Skills - We all have instant access to information and technology, so there's nothing unique there. It's the people with great interpersonal skills that will tip the scales to success.

Our focus must be on #1 and #2, self-awareness and self-regulation. (They are in the first two spots for a reason -- you can't have 3, 4 and 5 without them.) Unfortunately, these are not areas of strength for teens. They are busy figuring out how they fit into their new, expanding world. A teen's (normal) all-about-me perspective does not include introspection and self-examination (self-awareness) and they are mostly reactive (lack of self-regulation).

This doesn't come naturally. But just because it doesn't come naturally doesn't mean they can't learn it. It's up to you, us, parents, to teach them and walk them through it.